Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

The word, karma is usually associated with the Law of Karma. But karma yoga? Are you supposed to do some yoga postures in the hope that they will add to your bank of good karma? What is karma yoga? Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root word yuj, which means “to join.” A...
How You Can Recognize God in the World

How You Can Recognize God in the World

God is the ultimate cause of all things and beings in the universe. It* is everywhere. Yet, we tend to overlook that divine presence in our everyday life. To recognize God in the world, all we have to do is to slow down and turn our attention to the everyday things...
How to Tune In to God inside You

How to Tune In to God inside You

Whenever you experience a disturbance in your mind, know that God inside you is sending you a signal to slow down and turn within. God is your own higher Self. It is always communicating with you, guiding you to correct your thinking by steering you away from your...
Humility—an Essential Quality for Your Spiritual Path

Humility—an Essential Quality for Your Spiritual Path

Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it, you have lost it. —Swami Chinmayananda Isn’t it strange that someone can be proud of being humble? True humility is a subtle inner quality that is expressed sincerely and spontaneously with total...
The Highest Spiritual Discipline

The Highest Spiritual Discipline

The highest spiritual discipline is identifying with the Self, the inner witness in you. This is the ever-present observer that is constantly aware of the thoughts, words and actions done by the lower self—the ego-personality you. Shifting your focus and...
Manisha Melwani

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