To live a meaningful life, we must have a vision and goal. According to the spiritual masters of Vedanta, we are essentially pure spirit expressing through human form. The main purpose of life is to realise this higher Self. To help us reach this goal, the ancient...
If you don’t carve out some time for spirituality and your inner growth, everyday activities and preoccupations quickly take over your focus. In today’s busy life, it’s not easy to find the time and mental space for spiritual practices that will elevate and divinize...
Let’s say that you realise that you need to get fit and decide to start exercising regularly. You buy a membership at a gym close by and you are looking forward to using their saltwater swimming pool and attending some of their classes such as yoga, Pilates and...
Do you sometimes wish you could understand understand life better? Unanswered questions about the deeper why’s of life can come up at the most unexpected time and places, creating sudden disturbances in your mind. Anything that disturbs your mind makes you unhappy....
Most of us live life taking our day-to-day world experiences as real, overlooking a deeper reality that brings greater meaning to our lives. I’m talking about living with a spiritual mindset that reminds us of our true nature and purpose as spiritual beings on an...
Faith consists in believing even when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. —Voltaire It’s important to hold and increase your faith as you walk the spiritual path because you are seeking something that is neither tangible nor measurable—the Self, your innate...