4 Tips For a Positive Mind

4 Tips For a Positive Mind

Do you sometimes find yourself being plagued by fearful or negative thoughts? Once they start, they take away your mental peace and make it hard for you to concentrate on what you are doing. Unlike an annoying radio talk show that you can switch off and walk away...
How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts

How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts

Why do you feel weighed down and miserable when you hold negative thoughts? And why do positive thoughts make you feel happy and light? All thoughts are essentially energy, but negative thoughts feel dense and heavy, whereas positive thoughts feel weightless. Here’s...
The Best Way to Meet the Challenges of Your Life

The Best Way to Meet the Challenges of Your Life

There are many ways of handling life’s difficulties and challenges but ultimately you meet them all with only one thing—your own mind. A positive mind sees opportunities for growth and upliftment in every difficulty. This is the focus of this article. Acceptance The...

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