What is inner maturity? It is an ability to meet challenges both big and small with mental and emotional poise. It comes from gaining wisdom from learning about life and applying that knowledge to respond efficiently to situations, while keeping your emotions in...
Let’s say that you realise that you need to get fit and decide to start exercising regularly. You buy a membership at a gym close by and you are looking forward to using their saltwater swimming pool and attending some of their classes such as yoga, Pilates and...
When you cultivate your heart, you grow in inner maturity and blossom as a better person. Merely being smart or having a lot of knowledge often grows the ego. But when you strive to cultivate your heart alongside your head, you grow in a balanced way. There are five...
The mind itself presents the biggest obstacles in meditation. Outer things such as the proper posture, place, time and seat can be easily rectified to facilitate your practice. But once you sit down and try to meditate, you realise that your own mind poses the...
Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it, you have lost it. —Swami Chinmayananda Isn’t it strange that someone can be proud of being humble? True humility is a subtle inner quality that is expressed sincerely and spontaneously with total...