5 Ways to Shift Your Focus to Your True Self

5 Ways to Shift Your Focus to Your True Self

You take yourself to be your name, age, gender, roles, accomplishments, and the characteristics of your body, mind and personality. But according to Vedanta, this is your apparent identity, and not your real identity. Your real identity, your true Self is totally...
How to Live Life Purposefully

How to Live Life Purposefully

There is a purpose behind our taking up bodies and coming here to live this mortal existence. —Swami Chinmayananda We are spiritual beings who have forgotten our essential nature. Our true purpose is to regain the knowledge of our blissful spiritual Self. The problem...
True Happiness is INSIDE—Really?

True Happiness is INSIDE—Really?

Imagine sipping your favourite drink by a crystal blue lake on a sunny day, enjoying peace of mind . . . sounds wonderful doesn’t it? Why do we all want inner peace? This is because peace itself is happiness. And, we all want to be happy. Spirituality tells us that...

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