3 Steps to Living as a Spiritual Being

3 Steps to Living as a Spiritual Being

I am never the ego, mind, intellect and body. —Swami Tejomayananda, Living Vedanta  What if the actor who plays the part of the phantom in the musical, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ played his part so many times that he forgot his real identity? Imagine if he walked...
9 Ways to Develop Divine Love

9 Ways to Develop Divine Love

The longest journey that you will make in your life is from your head to your heart. ~ Gary Zukav It s very easy to develop the head; but it is very difficult to develop the heart. Today, with the flood of information from the Internet, television, and other media, we...
How to Begin Your Spiritual Journey

How to Begin Your Spiritual Journey

To wait be completely free of worldly entanglements before we undertake the spiritual path is absurd. It is like waiting for the waves to subside before taking a swim in the sea – Swami Chinmayananda Is your inner voice telling you to spend more time on your...
What’s Your Yoga?

What’s Your Yoga?

If you are thinking I will be explaining yoga poses in this article, I’m afraid you will be disappointed. The Sanskrit word, yoga means ‘to unite’ or ‘join’. Any path that you take to unite with your inner spiritual essence is called a yoga. So, a yoga is a spiritual...
Manisha Melwani

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