We are spiritual beings on an evolutionary journey through lifetimes. We have forgotten our eternal, blissful spiritual essence and live identified with our impermanent and easily stressed human personalities. Engaging in spiritual company everyday helps to remind...
With rising levels of stress over concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, people are eager to learn some simple techniques to stay centred, positive and manage anxiety naturally. Although there are many quick solutions to managing stress and anxiety, such as going...
You were born with wings. Why crawl through life? Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do! Everyone has been made for a particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. —Rumi, Sufi Mystic 13thcentury AD When I was in India for a...
When you come to the edge of all of the light you’ve known, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown; faith is knowing one of two things will happen. You’ll have something solid to stand on, or you’ll be taught how to fly.—Patrick...
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