3 Obstacles in Meditation and How to Overcome Them

3 Obstacles in Meditation and How to Overcome Them

The mind itself presents the biggest obstacles in meditation. Outer things such as the proper posture, place, time and seat can be easily rectified to facilitate your practice. But once you sit down and try to meditate, you realise that your own mind poses the...
Meditation on the Soul

Meditation on the Soul

Just as in this body the soul passes from childhood, to youth and old age, similarly, at the time of death, the soul passes into another body. —Bhagavad Gita The soul is untouched by what happens to the body that it functions in. Like the clothes that we wear, the...
9 Ways to Practice the Yoga of Devotion

9 Ways to Practice the Yoga of Devotion

Thoughts constantly flowing in love toward the Supreme is devotion. —Swami Chinmayananda The discipline of maintaining a steady stream of love-filled thoughts toward God, the supreme cause of this world is called the yoga of devotion or bhakti yoga. The word, ‘yoga’...
Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

The word, karma is usually associated with the Law of Karma. But karma yoga? Are you supposed to do some yoga postures in the hope that they will add to your bank of good karma? What is karma yoga? Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root word yuj, which means “to join.” A...
The Highest Spiritual Discipline

The Highest Spiritual Discipline

The highest spiritual discipline is identifying with the Self, the inner witness in you. This is the ever-present observer that is constantly aware of the thoughts, words and actions done by the lower self—the ego-personality you. Shifting your focus and...
The Path to Peace

The Path to Peace

Can you be happy without having peace of mind? It’s inconceivable because peace of mind and happiness are not two different things. A happy mind is itself a peaceful mind. When you say you want to be happy, what you are also implying is that you want peace of mind. Is...
Manisha Melwani

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