Who is God?

Who is God?

There is one pure Existence from which creation has manifested. That Existence is the subtle Reality or Self of all. —Chandogya-upanishad Who is God? The most objective understanding of who is God comes from spirituality. The spiritual science of Vedanta explains God...
5 Pointers to Connect to Your True Self

5 Pointers to Connect to Your True Self

You are the universal Self appearing as a limited human self. “That Thou Art” proclaim the spiritual masters of Vedanta. Your true Self is changeless, infinite existence and complete bliss, but identified with your small ego-self, you experience constant change,...
The 4 Qualities of a Successful Meditator

The 4 Qualities of a Successful Meditator

Meditation is a subtle and advanced spiritual practice. To be a successful meditator, four inner qualities are necessary. Without these qualities, meditation would at best be a technique that brings a temporary calm and relaxation. As soon as you are done, your...
An Affirmation to Invoke Your Higher Self

An Affirmation to Invoke Your Higher Self

You have two identities—an apparent, lower identity called the ego, and an essential Higher Self that is pure consciousness. Your Higher Self is the unchanging, peaceful inner witness. This is your real nature. Whenever you forget your Higher Self and identify with...
The One Solution for All Your Problems

The One Solution for All Your Problems

Can there be only one solution to all our problems? In spite of how improbable this seems, this is exactly what I learned from some Q&A sessions with Swami Aparajitananda, a wise and pragmatic teacher of Vedanta on YouTube recently. Spiritual seekers posed...
Manisha Melwani

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