What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual?

What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual?

It is very likely that you have heard someone being described as a spiritual person. Maybe, that’s even how you think yourself to be. What exactly does it mean to ‘be spiritual’? Spiritual Being Or Human Being? Who we really are is pure Spirit untouched and different...
Proof That You Are A Spiritual Being (Part 2/3)

Proof That You Are A Spiritual Being (Part 2/3)

In Proof that you are a Spiritual being (Part 1/ 3), I explained that just as electricity enables appliances to function, Spirit enlivens the body, senses and mind and makes them appear to be alive and functioning.
 You can’t see the real ‘spiritual’...
Proof That You Are A Spiritual Being (Part 1/3)

Proof That You Are A Spiritual Being (Part 1/3)

You’ve heard that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, but you’re not sure if you believe it or really know what it means. You wonder, can we prove that we are spiritual beings? In my blog post entitled, What is Spirit  I explained that...
Why Is It So Hard To Understand All This “Spiritual Stuff?”

Why Is It So Hard To Understand All This “Spiritual Stuff?”

Why is it that some people roll their eyes and tune out when they hear what they call “spiritual stuff?” Spirituality, like religion, comes laden with many preconceived notions – mostly fuzzy ones. Why has spirituality caused many people to get...
Are You A Human Being Or Spiritual Being?

Are You A Human Being Or Spiritual Being?

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience. —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) If you have arrived at this site and are reading this article, chances are you may have heard this phrase. So, you’re...

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