Where to Begin Seeking on Your Spiritual Path

Where to Begin Seeking on Your Spiritual Path

The moment one questions the validity of the pursuits one has been following, one becomes a seeker and embarks on the spiritual path. —Swami Chinmayananda You begin seeking on your spiritual path when you start to question your life and pursuits. You ask: What is my...
How to Measure Your Inner Growth

How to Measure Your Inner Growth

You may think that you can’t measure your inner growth because it’s not quantifiable like your weight or height. Inner growth is a ripening or maturing of your outlook and responses to life. And yet, there are ways to measure your inner growth. You won’t need a...
How to Gain Equanimity and Inner Strength

How to Gain Equanimity and Inner Strength

Equanimity and inner strength come from a mature outlook on life. At the earlier stages of our journey, we are reactive, we blame others for our problems, we are easily swayed by our moods, and quick to get angry. These are just some of the many ways we rob ourselves...
6 Reasons Why You Should Engage in Spiritual Company Everyday

6 Reasons Why You Should Engage in Spiritual Company Everyday

We are spiritual beings on an evolutionary journey through lifetimes. We have forgotten our eternal, blissful spiritual essence and live identified with our impermanent and easily stressed human personalities. Engaging in spiritual company everyday helps to remind...
Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

The word, karma is usually associated with the Law of Karma. But karma yoga? Are you supposed to do some yoga postures in the hope that they will add to your bank of good karma? What is karma yoga? Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root word yuj, which means “to join.” A...

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