How to Live Life With a Spiritual Mindset

How to Live Life With a Spiritual Mindset

Most of us live life taking our day-to-day world experiences as real, overlooking a deeper reality that brings greater meaning to our lives. I’m talking about living with a spiritual mindset that reminds us of our true nature and purpose as spiritual beings on an...
What Is Dharma and How to Live It

What Is Dharma and How to Live It

Dharma is a multifaceted word in Indian philosophy that has found its way into western thought and usage. Dharma is commonly used to mean one’s duty, or to do what’s considered right, morally and ethically. Dharma also refers to universal values of life such as...
How to Measure Your Inner Growth

How to Measure Your Inner Growth

You may think that you can’t measure your inner growth because it’s not quantifiable like your weight or height. Inner growth is a ripening or maturing of your outlook and responses to life. And yet, there are ways to measure your inner growth. You won’t need a...
10 Steps to a Happier Life

10 Steps to a Happier Life

Are you feeling like you’re missing something in life—an emptiness in spite of having so much? Are you looking for a happier life? It may be that you are experiencing a loss of a relationship or a job, deterioration of your health, or the end of a certain phase of...
How to Live and Die Happily

How to Live and Die Happily

Death is only one of the incidents in human existence. Tomorrow has no accidental or arbitrary beginning, but it is merely a perfect continuation of today. —Swami Chinmayananda Life does not end when the body dies. Life is eternal and at the soul level, we exist...

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