Vasanas are subconscious tendencies left behind from our previous thoughts and actions. They are the unseen impulses behind our habits that determine how we think, feel, speak and act. Vasana (pronounced vaa-sa-naa) is a Sanskrit word that means, “tendency.” We are...
You may think that you can’t measure your inner growth because it’s not quantifiable like your weight or height. Inner growth is a ripening or maturing of your outlook and responses to life. And yet, there are ways to measure your inner growth. You won’t need a...
Imagine sipping your favourite drink by a crystal blue lake on a sunny day, enjoying peace of mind . . . sounds wonderful doesn’t it? Why do we all want inner peace? This is because peace itself is happiness. And, we all want to be happy. Spirituality tells us that...
Each of us is a soul with lessons to fulfil in this lifetime. Our relationships are precious opportunities to express the divinity of our soul. Through our relationships we learn, we grow, we evolve and move on to newer and greater experiences in future lifetimes. Our...
As the mind, so the world. The world is not good or bad, it’s how we see it that makes it good or bad. We carry around many false ideas or expectations of how circumstances, people or objects around us should be. Then, when they don’t turn out the way we wanted, we...
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