This article contains excerpts from Your Spiritual Journey—A guide to unfolding your divine self by Manisha Melwani The spiritual journey is not a journey in time and place. It is a movement in consciousness. —Swami Chinmayananda Your spiritual journey begins when you...
I walked along a pathway amongst tall, mature trees swaying in the gentle breeze on a warm and sunny afternoon. Colourful birds joyfully sang above me. The subtle waft of fragrant incense drifted into my nostrils as the soulful sounds of a deep male voice continuously...
You are the eternal, blissful Self. You have forgotten your true nature and are now functioning as a limited human being constantly striving for happiness. Rediscovering your identity as the Self while you are in your body is the ultimate purpose of life. Until you...
Can you imagine someone who never gets upset and is remains perfectly calm under all circumstances, good and bad? A person who doesn’t hanker for anything from the outer world to gain her sense of peace and joy, and has no attachments, fear or anger? She sounds like a...
What is your greatest asset in life? Is it your property, wealth, belongings, skills, physical beauty or connections? We strive hard, facing many difficulties to acquire, grow and protect our assets throughout our lives. The sad truth is that we will not be able to...